Shaun T
Shaun T is a world-renowned health and fitness motivator whose mission is to inspire people to realize their full potential by promoting positivity through health, fitness and motivation. As a husband, father of twins, TV host, social media influencer and creator of best-selling fitness programs like INSANITY, HIP HOP ABS, FOCUS T25, and his record-breaking mega-hit, TRANSFORM :20, the driving force behind everything he does is positivity.
In addition to his personal appearances and workout programs, Shaun T affects positive life changes in people around the world through a variety of initiatives, including his SAFE SPACE online support group and academy, his podcast Trust and Believe with Shaun T, his self-help memoir T IS FOR TRANSFORMATION, his Relationship Thrivation Academy with his husband Scott, and his lifestyle website SHAUNTLIFE.COM. Shaun T has been a huge fan of Power Up® for a long time, and we warmly welcome him to our Brand Ambassador Team!